Oakland University Writing Center's Blog, a space where administrators, consultants, and interested community members can share our craft and and examine the challenges facing writers, writing consultants, and writing teachers.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Difficult students and cultural barriers
I know we've all had the difficult student. The student who just wants to come in and get their paper edited by us, not contributing to the appointment, or worse, using their cell phone or writing emails on their laptop. I have been thinking about this recently, not due to the way that students act here necessarily, but from other situations that have come up lately with students in my HC group. I decided that since my appointment did not show up today, I would search Google for information. I typed in "difficult students in the writing center" and this was the first link that popped up. I think this provides an interesting view of "difficult" students and the tips are useful for us all to remember while in one of these sessions.
Additionally, the website had a link to information on bridging the cultural gaps. Being an Anthropology major, this is something near and dear to my heart. I think this is a pretty basic look at cultural differences and how to handle them, but it's still interesting!
The other links are interesting as well. Feel free to check them all out!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Hi Everyone,
One interesting concept has caught my eye regarding what some writing centers are doing these days. I ran across an example of a WC handbook http://www.psu.edu/dept/cew/writingcenter/handbook.htm
Please feel free to peruse, I thought just the concept of a handbook for a tutor was interesting. I note that we do not do everything the exact way this particular center does, nor should we. I was just looking more at the concept of laying out a handbook. Just an idea:)
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