Monday, September 8, 2008

Responsible for reader's health

Hello all, I was browsing the Internet and lazily googled "writing center resources", and came across the Harvard writing center resources. This website is very entertaining and informative. I have found it a great way to refresh my memory in an entertaining fashion. The title of the post is in regards to a suggestion about comma usage. The writer recommended that if the comma rules were forgotten, then remembering to be considerate of the reader and assume the responsibility of their cardiovascular health (natural pauses indicate comma placement) can aid in knowing where to place commas. In any case, I will be refereing back to this site for later reference when writing my own papers, and I would suggest this to any writer who is having trouble writing.

1 comment:

Karli said...

That is a great article Genevieve! It is a reliable website and very informative. I like how the website will talk about a topic, such as outlining, and then give an example. That is helpful for students who need to visually see how something is written or organized. It is also a good website to help refresh your memory on the basics of writing. Thanks for sharing this with us!